Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

A Nonobscuring Eye Tracking Solution for Wide Field-of-View Head-mounted Displays

A Nonobscuring Eye Tracking Solution for Wide Field-of-View Head-mounted Displays

We present a complete hardware and software solution for integrating binocular eye tracking into current state-of-the-art lens-based Head-mounted Displays (HMDs) without affecting the user’s wide field-of-view off the display. The system uses robust and efficient new algorithms for calibration and pupil tracking and allows realtime eye tracking and gaze estimation. Estimating the relative gaze direction of the user opens the door to a much wider spectrum of virtual reality applications and games when using HMDs. We show a 3d-printed prototype of a low-cost HMD with eye tracking that is simple to fabricate and discuss a variety of VR applications utilizing gaze estimation.

Author(s):Michael Stengel, Steve Grogorick, Martin Eisemann, Elmar Eisemann, Marcus Magnor
Published:March 2015
Howpublished:Technical Demo
Note:IEEE VR, won the 'Honorable Mention' for Technical Demos.
Project(s): Reality CG  Eye-tracking Head-mounted Display 

  title = {A Nonobscuring Eye Tracking Solution for Wide Field-of-View Head-mounted Displays},
  author = {Stengel, Michael and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar and Magnor, Marcus},
  howpublished = {Technical Demo},
  note = {{IEEE} {VR}, won the 'Honorable Mention' for Technical Demos.},
  month = {Mar},
  year = {2015}
