Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Game-based Transformations: A playful approach to learning transformations in computer graphics

Game-based Transformations: A playful approach to learning transformations in computer graphics

In this paper, we present a playful and game-based learning approach to teaching transformations in a second-year under- graduate computer graphics course. While the theoretical concepts were taught in class, the exercise consists of two web-based tools that help the students to get a playful grasp on the complex topic, which is the foundation for many of the later concepts typically taught in computer graphics, such as the rendering pipeline, animation, camera motion, shadow mapping and many more. The final students’ projects and feedback indicate that the game-based introduction was well-received by the students.

The interactive tools are available here:

Author(s):Martin Eisemann
Published:May 2023
Type:Article in conference proceedings
Book:Proc. Eurographics Education Papers

  title = {Game-based Transformations: A playful approach to learning transformations in computer graphics},
  author = {Eisemann, Martin},
  booktitle = {Proc. Eurographics Education Papers},
  organization = {Eurographics},
  month = {May},
  year = {2023}
