Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

The good, the bad and the ugly: Attractive portraits from video sequences

The good, the bad and the ugly: Attractive portraits from video sequences

Taking a portrait picture is frequently an uncomfortable task for the photographed person, and the resulting shots are in many cases unnatural and unsatisfactory. A common solution is to take a large number of pictures and then select the favorite ones. Instead of a manual selection, an automatic selection of good portraits from a captured video sequence can increase the chances to obtain a pleasing portrait picture without much effort. In this paper, we present an automatic solution for classification of face images from video sequences. This, in turn, can not only ease the task of taking good portrait pictures, but it can also make the acquisition of portraits more comfortable.

Author(s):Georgia Albuquerque, Timo Stich, Anita Sellent, Marcus Magnor
Published:November 2008
Type:Article in conference proceedings
Book:Proc. European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP)
Presented at:European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP)

  title = {The good, the bad and the ugly: Attractive portraits from video sequences},
  author = {Albuquerque, Georgia and Stich, Timo and Sellent, Anita and Magnor, Marcus},
  booktitle = {Proc. European Conference on Visual Media Production ({CVMP})},
  month = {Nov},
  year = {2008}
