Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Filtered Blending: A new, minimal Reconstruction Filter for Ghosting-Free Projective Texturing with Multiple Images

Filtered Blending: A new, minimal Reconstruction Filter for Ghosting-Free Projective Texturing with Multiple Images

Whenever approximate 3D geometry is projectively texture-mapped from

different directions simultaneously, annoyingly visible aliasing artifacts are

the result. To prevent such ghosting in projective texturing and image-based rendering, we propose a new GPU-based rendering strategy and a new, view-dependent definition of ghosting.The algorithm

is applicable to any kind of image-based rendering method, or general projective texture mapping, and adapts to arbitrary camera setups. It is able to cope with imprecise 3D geometry. Ghosting artifacts are

efficiently eliminated at real-time rendering frame rates on standard graphics hardware. With the proposed rendering technique, better-quality rendering results are obtained from fewer images and coarser 3D geometry.

Author(s):Martin Eisemann, Anita Sellent, Marcus Magnor
Published:November 2007
Type:Article in conference proceedings
Book:Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV)
Presented at:Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV)
Project(s): Floating Textures 

  title = {Filtered Blending: A new, minimal Reconstruction Filter for Ghosting-Free Projective Texturing with Multiple Images},
  author = {Eisemann, Martin and Sellent, Anita and Magnor, Marcus},
  booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})},
  organization = {Eurographics},
  pages = {119--126},
  month = {Nov},
  year = {2007}
