Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Teach AR


Augmented reality (AR) offers the potential to integrate physical, digital and social learning experiences in hybrid learning environments and thereby to achieve learning gains, higher motivation or improved interaction and collaboration. Moreover, by means of AR, theory- or calculus-based learning and experimental exploration in the lab can be brought closer together. Here we present a data-driven AR enhancement of experiments in an electricity and magnetism lab course, where measurement data such as actual current and voltage, are transmitted to a head-mounted semi-transparent display (HMD).


Georgia Albuquerque, Dörte Sonntag, Oliver Bodensiek, Manuel Behlen, Nils Wendorff, Marcus Magnor:
A Framework for Data-Driven Augmented Reality
in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, Springer, pp. 71-83, July 2019.

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