@inproceedings{kassubeck2018data-driven, title = {Data-driven Compressed Sensing Tomography}, author = {Kassubeck, Marc and Wenger, Stephan and Jennings, Chris A. and Gomez, Matthew and Harding, Eric and Schwarz, Jens and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Electronic Imaging}, doi = {10.2352/{ISSN}.2470-1173.2018.15}, volume = {2018}, number = {15}, month = {Jan}, year = {2018} } @inproceedings{foerster2015pcs, title = {{RGB}-Guided Depth Map Compression via Compressed Sensing and Sparse Coding}, author = {F{\"o}rster, Emmy-Charlotte and L{\"o}we, Thomas and Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Picture Coding Symposium ({PCS})}, number = {L-2.1}, pages = {1--4}, month = {May}, year = {2015} } @techreport{wenger2014sparse, title = {A Sparse Reconstruction Algorithm for Multi-Frequency Radio Images}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Inst. f. Computergraphik, {TU} Braunschweig}, number = {20}, month = {Nov}, year = {2014} } @inproceedings{lorenz2014sparse, title = {A Sparse Kaczmarz Solver and a Linearized Bregman Method for Online Compressed Sensing}, author = {Lorenz, Dirk and Wenger, Stephan and Sch{\"o}pfer, Frank and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing ({ICIP})}, pages = {1347--1351}, month = {Oct}, year = {2014} } @phdthesis{diss-wenger2014, title = {Regularized Optimization Methods for Reconstruction and Modeling in Computer Graphics}, author = {Wenger, Stephan}, school = {{TU} Braunschweig}, month = {Jun}, year = {2014} } @phdthesis{wenger2014thesis, title = {Regularized optimization methods for reconstruction and modeling in computer graphics}, author = {Wenger, Stephan}, school = {{TU} Braunschweig}, note = {{ISBN} 978-3-7357-4299-5}, month = {Jun}, year = {2014} } @article{lorenz2013split, title = {The Linearized Bregman Method via Split Feasibility Problems: Analysis and Generalizations}, author = {Lorenz, Dirk and Sch{\"o}pfer, Frank and Wenger, Stephan}, journal = {{SIAM} Journal on Imaging Sciences}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {1237--1262}, month = {Mar}, year = {2014} } @article{neumann2013splocs, title = {Sparse Localized Deformation Components}, author = {Neumann, Thomas and Varanasi, Kiran and Wenger, Stephan and Wacker, Markus and Magnor, Marcus and Theobalt, Christian}, journal = {{ACM} Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of Siggraph Asia)}, volume = {32}, number = {6}, pages = {179:1--179:10}, month = {Nov}, year = {2013} } @article{wenger2013fast, title = {Fast Image-Based Modeling of Astronomical Nebulae}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Lorenz, Dirk and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics {PG})}, volume = {32}, number = {7}, pages = {93--100}, month = {Oct}, year = {2013} } @article{stengel2013resolution, title = {Optimizing Apparent Display Resolution Enhancement for Arbitrary Videos}, author = {Stengel, Michael and Eisemann, Martin and Wenger, Stephan and Hell, Benjamin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Image Processing ({TIP})}, doi = {10.1109/tip.2013.2265885}, volume = {22}, number = {9}, note = {Patent number 10 2013 105 638.}, pages = {3604--3613}, month = {Sep}, year = {2013} } @article{wenger2013cosera, title = {A Group Sparsity Imaging Algorithm for Transient Radio Sources}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Rau, Urvashi and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Astronomy and Computing}, pages = {1--4}, month = {Sep}, year = {2013} } @inproceedings{ruhl2013vmv, title = {Fine-Scale Editing of Continuous Volumes using Adaptive Surfaces}, author = {Ruhl, Kai and Wenger, Stephan and Franke, Dennis and Saretzki, Julius and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {1--2}, month = {Sep}, year = {2013} } @inproceedings{tauscher2013audio, title = {Audio Resynthesis on the Dancefloor: A Music Structural Approach}, author = {Tauscher, Jan-Philipp and Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {1--8}, month = {Sep}, year = {2013} } @techreport{tauscher2013audiotr, title = {Audio Resynthesis on the Dancefloor: A Music Structural Approach}, author = {Tauscher, Jan-Philipp and Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Inst. f. Computergraphik, {TU} Braunschweig}, number = {19}, month = {Apr}, year = {2013} } @article{wenger2013group, title = {A Group Sparsity Imaging Algorithm for Transient Radio Sources}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Rau, Urvashi and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Astronomy and Computing}, doi = {10.1016/j.ascom.2013.02.002}, volume = {1}, pages = {40--45}, month = {Feb}, year = {2013} } @inproceedings{wenger2012genetic, title = {A Genetic Algorithm for Audio Retargeting}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {ACM} Multimedia}, pages = {705--708}, month = {Jun}, year = {2012} } @misc{wenger2012parabolic, title = {The Parabolic Multi-Mirror Camera}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, howpublished = {Poster}, month = {Jun}, year = {2012} } @article{wenger2012visualization, title = {Visualization of Astronomical Nebulae via Distributed Multi-{GPU} Compressed Sensing Tomography}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Ament, Marco and Guthe, Stefan and Lorenz, Dirk and Tillmann, Andreas and Weiskopf, Daniel and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG}, Proc. Visualization / InfoVis)}, volume = {18}, number = {12}, pages = {2188--2197}, month = {Jun}, year = {2012} } @article{wenger2012interactive, title = {Interactive Visualization and Simulation of Astronomical Nebulae}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Ament, Marco and Steffen, Wolfgang and Koning, Nicholas and Weiskopf, Daniel and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Computing in Science \& Engineering}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, note = {Editorial article.}, pages = {78--87}, month = {May}, year = {2012} } @inproceedings{lindemann2011video, title = {Evaluation of Video Artifact Perception Using Event-Related Potentials}, author = {Lindemann, Lea and Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {ACM} Applied Perception in Computer Graphics and Visualization ({APGV})}, organization = {{ACM}}, pages = {5}, month = {Aug}, year = {2011} } @inproceedings{wenger2011constrained, title = {Constrained Example-Based Audio Synthesis}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} International Conference on Multimedia and Expo ({ICME})}, pages = {6}, month = {Jul}, year = {2011} } @article{steffen2010shape, title = {Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics}, author = {Steffen, Wolfgang and Koning, Nicholas and Wenger, Stephan and Morisset, Christophe and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG})}, doi = {10.1109/tvcg.2010.62}, volume = {17}, number = {4}, pages = {454--465}, month = {Apr}, year = {2011} } @inproceedings{wiemann2011cuda, title = {{CUDA} Expression Templates}, author = {Wiemann, Paul and Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {{WSCG} Communication Papers Proceedings}, note = {{ISBN} 978-80-86943-82-4}, pages = {185--192}, month = {Jan}, year = {2011} } @article{wenger2010sparseri, title = {Sparse{RI}: A Compressed Sensing Framework for Aperture Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus and Pihlstr{\"o}m, Ylva and Bhatnagar, Sanjay and Rau, Urvashi}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific ({PASP})}, volume = {122}, number = {897}, pages = {1367--1374}, month = {Oct}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{wenger2010compressed, title = {Compressed Sensing for Aperture Synthesis Imaging}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Darabi, Soheil and Sen, Pradeep and Glassmeier, Karl-Heinz and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing ({ICIP})}, pages = {1381--1384}, month = {Sep}, year = {2010} } @misc{wenger2010automated, title = {Automated Astrophysical Modeling with Shape}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Steffen, Wolfgang and Koning, Nicholas and Morisset, Christophe and Magnor, Marcus}, howpublished = {Poster @ Eurographics 0}, month = {May}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{magnor2010planetariums, title = {Progress in Rendering and Modeling for Digital Planetariums}, author = {Magnor, Marcus and Sen, Pradeep and Kniss, Joe and Angel, Ed and Wenger, Stephan}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurographics Area Papers}, pages = {1--8}, month = {May}, year = {2010} } @techreport{wenger2010sparseritr, title = {Sparse{RI}: A Compressed Sensing Framework for Aperture Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Inst. f. Computergraphik, {TU} Braunschweig}, number = {11}, month = {Jan}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{wenger2009lunar, title = {Image-based Lunar Surface Reconstruction}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Sellent, Anita and Sch{\"u}tt, Ole and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {DAGM}}, volume = {5748}, pages = {382--391}, month = {Sep}, year = {2009} } @misc{wenger2009hybrid, title = {3D Reconstruction of Planetary Nebulae Using Hybrid Models}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Morisset, Christophe and Steffen, Wolfgang and Magnor, Marcus}, howpublished = {Poster @ SIGGRAPH 2009}, month = {Aug}, year = {2009} } @article{wenger2009algebraic, title = {Algebraic 3D Reconstruction of Planetary Nebulae}, author = {Wenger, Stephan and Aja Fern{\'a}ndez, Juan and Morisset, Christophe and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Journal of {WSCG}}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, pages = {33--40}, month = {Feb}, year = {2009} } @techreport{fernandez2008algebraic, title = {Algebraic 3D Reconstruction of Planetary Nebulae}, author = {Aja Fern{\'a}ndez, Juan and Wenger, Stephan and Morisset, Christophe and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Inst. f. Computergraphik, {TU} Braunschweig}, number = {7}, month = {Jul}, year = {2008} }