@inproceedings{kappel2024d-npc, title = {D-{NPC}: Dynamic Neural Point Clouds for Non-Rigid View Synthesis from Monocular Video}, author = {Kappel, Moritz and Hahlbohm, Florian and Scholz, Timon and Castillo, Susana and Theobalt, Christian and Eisemann, Martin and Golyanik, Vladislav and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurographics}, note = {To appear}, year = {2025} } @inproceedings{hahlbohm2025efficient, title = {Efficient Perspective-Correct 3D Gaussian Splatting Using Hybrid Transparency}, author = {Hahlbohm, Florian and Friederichs, Fabian and Weyrich, Tim and Franke, Linus and Kappel, Moritz and Castillo, Susana and Stamminger, Marc and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurographics}, note = {To appear}, year = {2025} } @inproceedings{hahlbohm2024inpc-implicit-neura, title = {{INPC}: Implicit Neural Point Clouds for Radiance Field Rendering}, author = {Hahlbohm, Florian and Franke, Linus and Kappel, Moritz and Castillo, Susana and Eisemann, Martin and Stamminger, Marc and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {International Conference on 3D Vision}, year = {2025} } @inproceedings{scholz2024measuring, title = {Measuring Velocity Perception Regarding Stimulus Eccentricity}, author = {Scholz, Timon and Groth, Colin and Castillo, Susana and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {ACM} Symposium on Applied Perception ({SAP})}, isbn = {9798400710612}, doi = {10.1145/3675231.3675234}, number = {4}, pages = {1--9}, month = {Aug}, year = {2024} } @article{groth2024cybersickness, title = {Cybersickness Reduction via Gaze-Contingent Image Deformation}, author = {Groth, Colin and Magnor, Marcus and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin and Didyk, Piotr}, journal = {{ACM} Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of Siggraph)}, doi = {10.1145/3658138}, volume = {43}, number = {4}, pages = {1--14}, month = {Jul}, year = {2024} } @article{fricke2024modern, title = {Modern Hardware Accelerated Point Based Holography}, author = {Fricke, Sascha and Caspary, Reinhard and Castillo, Susana and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{OSA} Optics Express}, doi = {10.1364/{OE}.523829}, volume = {32}, number = {15}, pages = {26994--27009}, month = {Jul}, year = {2024} } @misc{magnor2024icg, title = {{ICG} Report 2021-2023}, author = {Magnor, Marcus and Eisemann, Martin and Castillo, Susana and Grogorick, Steve and Tauscher, Jan-Philipp and Fricke, Sascha and Friederichs, Fabian and Groth, Colin and Hahlbohm, Florian and Jewst, Anika and Kappel, Moritz and Lehner, Felix and M{\"o}ller, Jannis Malte and Klages, Michelle and Martens, Anja and G{\"o}tze, Carsten}, month = {Jan}, year = {2024} } @inproceedings{eisemann2023the, title = {The Sequential Initializer Tree Pattern}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Friederichs, Fabian and Fricke, Sascha and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (Euro{PL}oP)}, month = {Oct}, year = {2023} } @inproceedings{hahlbohm2023plenopticpoints, title = {PlenopticPoints: Rasterizing Neural Feature Points for High-Quality Novel View Synthesis}, author = {Hahlbohm, Florian and Kappel, Moritz and Tauscher, Jan-Philipp and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, isbn = {978-3-03868-232-5}, doi = {10.2312/vmv.20231226}, editor = {T. Grosch and M. Guthe}, pages = {53--61}, month = {Sep}, year = {2023} } @inproceedings{moller2023optimizing, title = {Optimizing Temporal Stability in Underwater Video Tone Mapping}, author = {Franz, Matthias and Thang, Bill Matthias and Sackhoff, Pascal and Scholz, Timon and M{\"o}ller, Jannis Malte and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, isbn = {978-3-03868-232-5}, doi = {10.2312/vmv.20231239}, editor = {T. Grosch and M. Guthe}, pages = {165--172}, month = {Sep}, year = {2023} } @inproceedings{grogorick2023real-time, title = {Real-Time Reflection Reduction from Glasses in Videoconferences}, author = {Tucholke, Marc-Andr{\'e} and Christoph, Marie and Anders, Lasse and Ochlich, Raven and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin}, booktitle = {Proc. {WSCG}}, doi = {10.24132/{CSRN}.3301.20}, volume = {31}, pages = {168--175}, month = {May}, year = {2023} } @inproceedings{moller2023error-robust, title = {Error-Robust Indoor Augmented Reality Navigation: Evaluation Criteria and a New Approach}, author = {Scheibert, Oliver and M{\"o}ller, Jannis Malte and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin}, booktitle = {Proc. {WSCG}}, doi = {10.24132/{CSRN}.3301.17}, volume = {31}, pages = {137--146}, month = {May}, year = {2023} } @inproceedings{eisemann2023game-based, title = {Game-based Transformations: A playful approach to learning transformations in computer graphics}, author = {Eisemann, Martin}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurographics Education Papers}, organization = {Eurographics}, month = {May}, year = {2023} } @article{muhlhausen2023immersive, title = {Immersive Free-Viewpoint Panorama Rendering from Omnidirectional Stereo Video}, author = {M{\"u}hlhausen, Moritz and Kappel, Moritz and Kassubeck, Marc and W{\"o}hler, Leslie and Grogorick, Steve and Castillo, Susana and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, doi = {10.1111/cgf.14796}, volume = {42}, number = {6}, pages = {e14796 ff.}, month = {Apr}, year = {2023} } @inproceedings{eisemann2022the, title = {The Sequential Initializer Pattern}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Bertels, Anja Katharina and Deimel, Dominik}, booktitle = {Proc. European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (Euro{PL}oP)}, doi = { https://doi.org/10.1145/35519}, note = {Featured in {ACM} Showcase / Kudos}, month = {Jul}, year = {2022} } @inproceedings{abbott2021layered, title = {Layered Weighted Blended Order-Independent Transparency}, author = {Friederichs, Fabian and Eisemann, Elmar and Eisemann, Martin}, booktitle = {Proc. Graphics Interface ({GI})}, pages = {1--6}, month = {May}, year = {2021} } @misc{magnor2021icg, title = {{ICG} Report 2018-2020}, author = {Magnor, Marcus and Eisemann, Martin and Castillo, Susana and Grogorick, Steve and Fricke, Sascha and Groth, Colin and Kappel, Moritz and Kassubeck, Marc and M{\"u}hlhausen, Moritz and Tauscher, Jan-Philipp and Wedekind, Markus and W{\"o}hler, Leslie and G{\"o}tze, Carsten and Klages, Michelle and Martens, Anja}, month = {Apr}, year = {2021} } @article{guo2020next, title = {Next Event Estimation++: Visibility Mapping for Efficient Light Transport Simulation}, author = {Guo, Jerry Jinfeng and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics {PG})}, doi = {10.1111/cgf.14138}, volume = {39}, number = {7}, pages = {205--217}, month = {Nov}, year = {2020} } @inproceedings{moller2020porting, title = {Porting A Visual Inertial {SLAM} Algorithm To Android Devices}, author = {M{\"o}ller, Jannis Malte and Meyer, Benjamin and Eisemann, Martin}, booktitle = {{WSCG} Short Communications Proceedings}, isbn = {978-80-86943-38-1}, pages = {9--15}, month = {May}, year = {2019} } @article{raidou2020relaxing, title = {Relaxing Dense Scatter Plots with Pixel-Based Mappings}, author = {Raidou, Renata Georgia and Gr{\"o}ller, Eduard and Eisemann, Martin}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG}, Proc. PacificVis)}, doi = {10.1109/{TVCG}.2019.2903956}, volume = {25}, number = {6}, pages = {2205--2216}, month = {Mar}, year = {2019} } @article{simons2020applying, title = {Applying Visual Analytics to Physically Based Rendering}, author = {Simons, Gerard and Herholz, Sebastian and Petitjean, Victor and Rapp, Tobias and Ament, Marco and Lensch, Hendrik and Dachsbacher, Carsten and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, doi = {10.1111/cgf.13452}, volume = {38}, number = {1}, pages = {197--208}, month = {Jul}, year = {2018} } @article{liao2020splitdepth, title = {Splitā€Depth Image Generation and Optimization}, author = {Liao, Jingtang and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics {PG})}, doi = {10.1111/cgf.13283}, volume = {36}, number = {7}, pages = {175--182}, month = {Oct}, year = {2017} } @article{stengel2017perception-driven, title = {Perception-driven Accelerated Rendering}, author = {Weier, Martin and Stengel, Michael and Roth, Thorsten and Didyk, Piotr and Eisemann, Elmar and Eisemann, Martin and Grogorick, Steve and Hinkenjann, Andr{\'e} and Kruijff, Ernst and Magnor, Marcus and Myszkowski, Karol and Slusallek, Philipp}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics {EG})}, doi = {10.1111/cgf.13150}, volume = {36}, number = {2}, pages = {611--643}, month = {Apr}, year = {2017} } @inproceedings{simons2020an, title = {An Interactive Information Visualization Approach to Physically-Based Rendering}, author = {Simons, Gerard and Ament, Marco and Herholz, Sebastian and Dachsbacher, Carsten and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, doi = {10.2312/vmv.20161356}, note = {{VMV}'16 Best Paper Award}, pages = {1--9}, month = {Oct}, year = {2016} } @misc{gcpr2016adaptsampling, title = {Adaptive Image-Space Sampling for Gaze-Contingent Real-time Rendering}, author = {Stengel, Michael and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, howpublished = {Poster @ German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2016}, month = {Sep}, year = {2016} } @article{von-radziewsky2020efficient, title = {Efficient Stochastic Rendering of Static and Animated Volumes using Visibility Sweeps}, author = {von Radziewsky, Philipp and Kroes, Thomas and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG})}, doi = {10.1109/{TVCG}.2016.2606498}, volume = {23}, number = {9}, pages = {2069--2081}, month = {Sep}, year = {2016} } @article{stengel2016adaptsampling, title = {Adaptive Image-Space Sampling for Gaze-Contingent Real-time Rendering}, author = {Stengel, Michael and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering {EGSR})}, doi = {10.1111/cgf.12956}, volume = {35}, number = {4}, note = {{EGSR}'16 Best Paper Award}, pages = {129--139}, month = {Jul}, year = {2016} } @inproceedings{ruhl2015acmmm, title = {Interactive Scene Flow Editing for Improved Image-based Rendering and Virtual Spacetime Navigation}, author = {Ruhl, Kai and Eisemann, Martin and Hilsmann, Anna and Eisert, Peter and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {ACM} Multimedia}, pages = {631--640}, month = {Oct}, year = {2015} } @inproceedings{stengel2015acmmm, title = {An Affordable Solution for Binocular Eye Tracking and Calibration in Head-mounted Displays}, author = {Stengel, Michael and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {ACM} Multimedia}, isbn = {978-1-4503-3459-4}, doi = {10.1145/2733373.2806265}, note = {Won the 'Best Student Paper Award'.}, pages = {15--24}, month = {Oct}, year = {2015} } @misc{ethmd2015acmmmposter, title = {An Affordable Solution for Binocular Eye Tracking and Calibration in Head-mounted Displays}, author = {Stengel, Michael and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Elmar and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, howpublished = {Poster @ ACM Multimedia 2015}, month = {Oct}, year = {2015} } @article{hell2015fastgradientbasedimagessegmentation, title = {An Approach Towards Fast Gradient-based Image Segmentation}, author = {Hell, Benjamin and Kassubeck, Marc and Bauszat, Pablo and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Image Processing ({TIP})}, volume = {24}, number = {9}, pages = {2633--2645}, month = {Sep}, year = {2015} } @article{raidou2020orientation-enhanced, title = {Orientation-enhanced parallel coordinate plots ({OPCP}s) }, author = {Raidou, Renata Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and Breeuwer, Marcel and Eisemann, Elmar and Vilanova Bartroli, Anna}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG}, Proc. Visualization / InfoVis)}, doi = {10.1109/{TVCG}.2015.2467872}, volume = {22}, number = {1}, pages = {589--598}, month = {Aug}, year = {2015} } @inproceedings{hendrickx2020adaptively, title = {Adaptively layered statistical volumetric obscurance}, author = {Hendrickx, Quintijn and Scandolo, Leonardo and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar}, booktitle = {Proc. High Performance Graphics ({HPG})}, doi = {10.1145/2790060.2790070}, month = {Aug}, year = {2015} } @inproceedings{kroes2020visibility, title = {Visibility sweeps for joint-hierarchical importance sampling of direct lighting for stochastic volume rendering}, author = {Kroes, Thomas and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar}, booktitle = {Proc. Graphics Interface ({GI})}, doi = {10.5555/2788890.2788909}, note = {Received the Best Student Paper Award at Graphics Interface 2015}, pages = {97--104}, month = {Jun}, year = {2015} } @article{bauszat2015gree, title = {General and Robust Error Estimation and Reconstruction for Monte Carlo Rendering}, author = {Bauszat, Pablo and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics {EG})}, volume = {34}, number = {2}, note = {Eurographics 2015 paper}, pages = {597--608}, month = {May}, year = {2015} } @incollection{Eisemann2015RDC, title = {Reconstruction of Dense Correspondences}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Frahm, Jan-Michael and Remion, Yannick and Ismael, Muhannad}, booktitle = {Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality}, isbn = {9781482243819}, publisher = {{CRC} Press}, editor = {Marcus A. Magnor, Oliver Grau, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Christian Theobalt}, chapter = {8}, pages = {113--133}, month = {May}, year = {2015} } @incollection{Lipski2015IBR, title = {Image- and Video-based Rendering}, author = {Lipski, Christian and Hilsmann, Anna and Dachsbacher, Carsten and Eisemann, Martin}, booktitle = {Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality}, isbn = {9781482243819}, publisher = {{CRC} Press}, editor = {Marcus A. Magnor, Oliver Grau, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Christian Theobalt}, pages = {261--280}, month = {May}, year = {2015} } @article{stengel2014tvcg, title = {Temporal Video Filtering and Exposure Control for Perceptual Motion Blur}, author = {Stengel, Michael and Bauszat, Pablo and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG})}, volume = {21}, number = {5}, note = {10.1109/{TVCG}.2014.2377753}, pages = {663--671}, month = {May}, year = {2015} } @misc{stengel2015ethmd, title = {A Nonobscuring Eye Tracking Solution for Wide Field-of-View Head-mounted Displays}, author = {Stengel, Michael and Grogorick, Steve and Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar and Magnor, Marcus}, howpublished = {Technical Demo}, note = {{IEEE} {VR}, won the 'Honorable Mention' for Technical Demos.}, month = {Mar}, year = {2015} } @article{bauszat2014sbmf, title = {Sample-Based Manifold Filtering for Interactive Global Illumination and Depth of Field}, author = {Bauszat, Pablo and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, volume = {34}, number = {1}, pages = {265--276}, month = {Feb}, year = {2015} } @article{rogge2014garmentreplacement_tog, title = {Garment Replacement in Monocular Video Sequences}, author = {Rogge, Lorenz and Klose, Felix and Stengel, Michael and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{ACM} Transactions on Graphics}, volume = {34}, number = {1}, pages = {6:1--6:10}, month = {Nov}, year = {2014} } @inproceedings{Albuquerque2014HBH, title = {Hierarchical Brushing of High-Dimensional Data Sets Using Quality Metrics}, author = {Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and L{\"o}we, Thomas and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {1--8}, month = {Oct}, year = {2014} } @inproceedings{Eisemann14NHL, title = {A Nested Hierarchy of Localized Scatterplots}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Albuquerque, Georgia and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {SIBGRAPI} (Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images)}, pages = {80--86}, month = {Aug}, year = {2014} } @misc{Bauszat2014SGposter, title = {The Split Grid - A Hierarchical 1D-Grid-based Acceleration Data Structure for Ray Tracing}, author = {Bauszat, Pablo and Kastner, Marc A. and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, howpublished = {Poster @ Eurographics 2014}, month = {Mar}, year = {2014} } @inproceedings{ruhl2013cvmp, title = {Cost Volume-based Interactive Depth Editing in Stereo Post-processing}, author = {Ruhl, Kai and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. European Conference on Visual Media Production ({CVMP})}, volume = {10}, pages = {1--6}, month = {Nov}, year = {2013} } @incollection{nair2013aso, title = {A Survey on Time-of-Flight Stereo Fusion}, author = {Nair, Rahul and Ruhl, Kai and Meister, Stephan and Sch{\"a}fer, Henrik and Garbe, Christoph S. and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus and Kondermann, Daniel}, booktitle = {Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging}, publisher = {Springer}, editor = {M. Grzegorzek and C. Theobalt and R. Koch and A. Kolb}, volume = {8200}, chapter = {A Survey on Time-of-Flight Stereo Fusion}, pages = {105--127}, month = {Sep}, year = {2013} } @article{stengel2013resolution, title = {Optimizing Apparent Display Resolution Enhancement for Arbitrary Videos}, author = {Stengel, Michael and Eisemann, Martin and Wenger, Stephan and Hell, Benjamin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Image Processing ({TIP})}, doi = {10.1109/tip.2013.2265885}, volume = {22}, number = {9}, note = {Patent number 10 2013 105 638.}, pages = {3604--3613}, month = {Sep}, year = {2013} } @inproceedings{Eisemann2012FAE, title = {From Alternate Exposure Imaging To 3D Reconstruction of Astronomical Phenomena}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. International Symposium on Microoptical Imaging and Projection}, pages = {102--104}, month = {Nov}, year = {2012} } @article{Eisemann12IOSP, title = {Geometry Presorting for Implicit Object Space Partitioning}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Bauszat, Pablo and Guthe, Stefan and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering {EGSR})}, volume = {31}, number = {4}, pages = {1445--1454}, month = {Jun}, year = {2012} } @article{Lehmann2012SCR, title = {Selecting Coherent and Relevant Plots in Large Scatterplot Matrices}, author = {Lehmann, Dirk. J. and Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus and Theisel, Holger}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, volume = {31}, number = {6}, pages = {1895--1908}, month = {Apr}, year = {2012} } @techreport{Albuquerque2012SAC, title = {Semi-Automatic Classification of Weather Maps}, author = {Albuquerque, Georgia and Lehmann, Dirk. J. and Rodermund, Torben and Eisemann, Martin and Nocke, Thomas and Theisel, Holger and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Computer Graphics Lab, {TU} Braunschweig}, number = {17}, month = {Mar}, year = {2012} } @techreport{Eisemann11NMH, title = {Implicit Object Space Partitioning: The No-Memory {BVH}}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Bauszat, Pablo and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Computer Graphics Lab, {TU} Braunschweig}, number = {16}, month = {Jan}, year = {2012} } @incollection{Eisemann11TPR, title = {Towards Plenoptic Raumzeit Reconstruction}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Klose, Felix and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Video Processing and Computational Video}, isbn = {978-3-642-24869-6}, publisher = {Springer}, editor = {Cremers, D. and Magnor, M. and Oswald, M.R. and Zelnik-Manor, L.}, volume = {7082}, number = {7}, pages = {1--24}, month = {Oct}, year = {2011} } @incollection{Sellent11TAF, title = {Two Algorithms for Motion Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images}, author = {Sellent, Anita and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Video Processing and Computational Video}, isbn = {978-3-642-24869-6}, publisher = {Springer}, editor = {Cremers, D. and Magnor, M. and Oswald, M.R. and Zelnik-Manor, L.}, volume = {7082}, number = {7}, pages = {25--51}, month = {Oct}, year = {2011} } @inproceedings{Albuquerque2011PBQ, title = {Perception-based Visual Quality Measures}, author = {Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology ({VAST})}, pages = {13--20}, month = {Oct}, year = {2011} } @inproceedings{Bauszat11ASF, title = {Adaptive Sampling for Geometry-aware Reconstruction Filters}, author = {Bauszat, Pablo and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {183--190}, month = {Oct}, year = {2011} } @inproceedings{Eisemann11OAG, title = {Object-aware Gradient-Domain Image Compositing}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Kokem{\"u}ller, Jan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {65--71}, month = {Oct}, year = {2011} } @book{Eisemann2011Book, title = {Error-concealed Image-based Rendering}, author = {Eisemann, Martin}, isbn = {978-3869914312}, publisher = {Monsenstein und Vannerdat}, month = {Oct}, year = {2011} } @phdthesis{Eisemann11Diss, title = {Error-concealed Image-based Rendering}, author = {Eisemann, Martin}, school = {{TU} Braunschweig}, month = {Sep}, year = {2011} } @article{sellent2011motion, title = {Motion Field Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images}, author = {Sellent, Anita and Eisemann, Martin and Goldl{\"u}cke, Bastian and Cremers, Daniel and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ({TPAMI})}, volume = {33}, number = {8}, pages = {1577--1589}, month = {Aug}, year = {2011} } @article{Bauszat2011GIF, title = {Guided Image Filtering for Interactive High-quality Global Illumination}, author = {Bauszat, Pablo and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering {EGSR})}, volume = {30}, number = {4}, pages = {1361--1368}, month = {Jun}, year = {2011} } @inproceedings{Eisemann11DDC, title = {Data Driven Color Mapping}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Albuquerque, Georgia and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Euro{VA}: International Workshop on Visual Analytics}, pages = {1--4}, month = {May}, year = {2011} } @inproceedings{Eisemann11EIC, title = {Edge-Constrained Image Compositing}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Gohlke, Daniel and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Graphics Interface ({GI})}, pages = {191--198}, month = {May}, year = {2011} } @article{tatu10AAM, title = {Automated Analytical Methods to Support Visual Exploration of High-Dimensional Data}, author = {Tatu, Andrada and Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and Bak, Peter and Theisel, Holger and Magnor, Marcus and Keim, Daniel}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG})}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {584--597}, month = {Feb}, year = {2011} } @article{sellent2011robust, title = {Robust Feature Matching in General Multi-Image Setups}, author = {Sellent, Anita and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Journal of {WSCG}}, volume = {19}, pages = {1--8}, month = {Feb}, year = {2011} } @inproceedings{Bauszat10MVH, title = {The Minimal Bounding Volume Hierarchy}, author = {Bauszat, Pablo and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {227--234}, month = {Nov}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{Eisemann10ZIP, title = {{ZIPMAPS}: Zoom-Into-Parts Texture Maps}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {291--297}, month = {Nov}, year = {2010} } @techreport{Eisemann10SAI_TR, title = {Structure-Aware Image Compositing}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Gohlke, Daniel and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Computer Graphics Lab, {TU} Braunschweig}, number = {12}, month = {Nov}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{albuquerque09IVA, title = {Improving the Visual Analysis of High-dimensional Datasets Using Quality Measures}, author = {Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and Lehmann, Dirk. J. and Theisel, Holger and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology ({VAST})}, pages = {19--26}, month = {Oct}, year = {2010} } @article{lehmann10VAM, title = {Visualisierung und Analyse multidimensionaler Datens{\"a}tze}, author = {Lehmann, Dirk. J. and Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and Tatu, Andrada and Schumann, Heidrun and Magnor, Marcus and Theisel, Holger}, journal = {Informatik-Spektrum}, volume = {33}, number = {5}, pages = {589--600}, month = {Sep}, year = {2010} } @incollection{Eisemann10_3D, title = {3-D Cinematography with approximate and no geometry}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Stich, Timo and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Image and Geometry Processing for 3-D Cinematography}, isbn = {978-3-642-12391-7}, publisher = {Springer}, editor = {R{\'e}mi Ronfard and Gabriel Taubin}, pages = {259--284}, month = {Jul}, year = {2010} } @misc{Eisemann10PZ_Poster, title = {Photo Zoom: High Resolution from Unordered Image Collections}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar and Seidel, Hans-Peter and Magnor, Marcus}, howpublished = {Poster @ SIGGRAPH 2010}, note = {Semi-Finalist in the Student Research Competition}, month = {Jul}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{Eisemann10PZ, title = {Photo Zoom: High Resolution from Unordered Image Collections}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Eisemann, Elmar and Seidel, Hans-Peter and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Graphics Interface ({GI})}, pages = {71--78}, month = {May}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{Lipski10SBA, title = {Sparse Bundle Adjustment Speedup Strategies}, author = {Lipski, Christian and Bose, Denis and Eisemann, Martin and Berger, Kai and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {{WSCG} Communication Papers Proceedings}, pages = {85--88}, month = {Feb}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{albuquerque09QMV, title = {Quality-Based Visualization Matrices}, author = {Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and Lehmann, Dirk. J. and Theisel, Holger and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {341--349}, month = {Nov}, year = {2009} } @inproceedings{Eisemann09SVM, title = {Spectral Video Matting}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Wolf, Julia and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {121--126}, month = {Nov}, year = {2009} } @inproceedings{sellent2009variational, title = {Variational Optical Flow from Alternate Exposure Images}, author = {Sellent, Anita and Eisemann, Martin and Goldl{\"u}cke, Bastian and Pock, Thomas and Cremers, Daniel and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {135--143}, month = {Nov}, year = {2009} } @inproceedings{albuquerque2009CAA, title = {Combining automated analysis and visualization techniques for effective exploration of high-dimensional data}, author = {Tatu, Andrada and Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and Schneidewind, J{\"o}rn and Theisel, Holger and Magnor, Marcus and Keim, Daniel}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology ({VAST})}, note = {Won the {SPP} Collaboration Award in the {DFG} priority program on Scalable Visual Analytics ({SPP} 1335).}, pages = {59--66}, month = {Oct}, year = {2009} } @inproceedings{sellent2009alternate, title = {Motion Field and Occlusion Time Estimation via Alternate Exposure Flow}, author = {Sellent, Anita and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} International Conference on Computational Photography ({ICCP})}, number = {1}, pages = {1--8}, month = {Apr}, year = {2009} } @techreport{Eisemann08ZIP_TR, title = {{ZIPMAP}s: Zoom-into-parts texture maps}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Computer Graphics Lab, {TU} Braunschweig}, number = {8}, month = {Nov}, year = {2008} } @inproceedings{Eisemann08SSH, title = {Ray Tracing with the Single-Slab Hierarchy}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Woizischke, Christian and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {373--381}, month = {Oct}, year = {2008} } @book{Eisemann2008Book, title = {Ray Tracing mit dynamischer Bounding Volume Hierarchie: Eine Einf{\"u}hrung und neue Methoden f{\"u}r dynamische Szenen}, author = {Eisemann, Martin}, isbn = {978-3836499101}, publisher = {{VDM} Verlag Dr. M{\"u}ller}, month = {May}, year = {2008} } @techreport{sellent2008calculating, title = {Calculating Motion Fields from Images with Two Different Exposure Times}, author = {Sellent, Anita and Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {{TU} Braunschweig}, number = {6}, address = {Computer Graphics Lab}, month = {May}, year = {2008} } @article{Eisemann08FT, title = {Floating Textures}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and De Decker, Bert and Magnor, Marcus and Bekaert, Philippe and de Aguiar, Edilson and Ahmed, Naveed and Theobalt, Christian and Sellent, Anita}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics {EG})}, volume = {27}, number = {2}, note = {Received the Best Student Paper Award at Eurographics 2008}, pages = {409--418}, month = {Apr}, year = {2008} } @article{Eisemann07FRA, title = {Fast Ray/Axis-Aligned Bounding Box Overlap Tests using Ray Slopes}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Grosch, Thorsten and M{\"u}ller, Stefan and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Journal of Graphics Tools (jgt)}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {35--46}, month = {Dec}, year = {2007} } @inproceedings{Eisemann07FB, title = {Filtered Blending: A new, minimal Reconstruction Filter for Ghosting-Free Projective Texturing with Multiple Images}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Sellent, Anita and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {119--126}, month = {Nov}, year = {2007} } @techreport{Eisemann07FT_TR, title = {Floating Textures}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and De Decker, Bert and Magnor, Marcus and Bekaert, Philippe and de Aguiar, Edilson and Ahmed, Naveed and Theobalt, Christian and Sellent, Anita}, institution = {Computer Graphics Lab, {TU} Braunschweig, Germany}, number = {4}, month = {Oct}, year = {2007} } @techreport{Eisemann07FBFT_TR, title = {Filtered Blending and Floating Textures: Ghosting-free Projective Texturing with Multiple Images}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Magnor, Marcus}, institution = {Computer Graphics Lab, {TU} Braunschweig, Germany}, number = {3}, month = {May}, year = {2007} } @inproceedings{Eisemann07ACO, title = {Automatic Creation of Object Hierarchies for Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Grosch, Thorsten and M{\"u}ller, Stefan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {{WSCG} Short Communications Proceedings}, pages = {57--64}, month = {Jan}, year = {2007} } @techreport{Eisemann06ACO_TR, title = {Automatic Creation of Object Hierarchies for Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Grosch, Thorsten and Magnor, Marcus and M{\"u}ller, Stefan}, institution = {Computer Graphics Lab, {TU} Braunschweig, Germany}, number = {1}, month = {Jun}, year = {2006} } @misc{eisemann2006automatic, title = {Automatic Creation of Object Hierarchies for Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes}, author = {Eisemann, Martin and Grosch, Thorsten and Magnor, Marcus and M{\"u}ller, Stefan}, howpublished = {Poster}, month = {Jun}, year = {2006} } @mastersthesis{Eisemann06DynBVH, title = {Ray Tracing mit dynamischer Bounding Volume Hierarchie}, author = {Eisemann, Martin}, school = {Institute for Computational Visualistics, Computer Graphics Group, University of Koblenz-Landau}, month = {Jan}, year = {2006} }